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BOTANICAL|Bliss - CBD Oil Tincture - Packaging Design

This is one of the projects I'm proudest of through my diploma of graphic design - a packaging design brief, given a made-up company, selling hypothetical products.

I selected 'BOTANICAL|Bliss', a company that 'sells' CBD Oil tinctures for people to take healing into their own hands. I was provided the BOTANICAL|Bliss logo, and details about the company and their identity. From there,  we were tasked with creating the design of the packaging net itself, the branding, identity, and names for three products for our chosen companies.

I then created the packaging design and produced a printed final outcome for photographing; we were lucky enough to have the Diploma of Photography students here at TAFE to do a professional packaging photoshoot with our constructed nets. I went a step further to create a matching label for some brown glass eyedropper bottles to stand in as the tincture bottles, and tie in some cohesive, matching branding.
Accessibility is something I feel is crucial, particularly in the design space - for this project, I wanted to include braille and tactile elements on my packaging. People with vision impairment still deserve to be able to engage with products and packaging. People with disabilities should be considered in the design of anything we engage with - from products to packaging, websites to houses - universal and accessible design is no less beautiful. 

I commissioned a small 3D-printed braille slate and stylus from my dear friend @so_ive_got_a_project (on Instagram) and hand embossed the braille for "anxiety" on the packaging for 'Sunshine Drops', "pain" on 'Starlight Drops', and "sleep" on 'Lunar Drops', and cut out a sun, star and moon, respectively, that could still be felt and recognised through tactile engagement by people who may not be able to read braille.  

I hope that this packaging design outcome not only encourages further and better accessibility in my work and the wider industry, and that more projects like this continue to destigmatize medicinal CBD and THC products.

BOTANICAL|Bliss - CBD Oil Tincture - Packaging Design

BOTANICAL|Bliss - CBD Oil Tincture - Packaging Design
