ProDeel: HR & Payroll UI/UX SaaS Design

ProDeel simplifies global workforce management 
with a revolutionary platform that streamlines HR, enhances contract and onboarding processes, and provides an intuitive, unified dashboard.

ProDeel combines a 300px fixed sidebar with a flexible 12-column grid, optimizing both navigation and content presentation for a user-friendly experience.

In the development of ProDeel, we meticulously adhered to a comprehensive design system and modular component approach. This ensured a consistent and efficient design language, allowing for seamless scalability and a cohesive user experience.

ProDeel's homepage offers an instant overview of workforce management with key financial data, including balance, payments, and due amounts. It provides real-time payment lists and interactive charts for informed control.

Contract Page is your central hub for effortless employee contract management. It offers a comprehensive list of contracts with vital details, allows data export, and contract creation.

Payment Page offers a clear overview of active methods, facilitates easy balance management, provides access to complete payment history, and allows seamless addition of new payment methods.

Team Settings empower efficient, customised global workforce management, optimising roles, permissions, and collaboration.

ProDeel's invoices, accessed from Payment History, offer transparent and streamlined financial tracking for global workforce management.

ProDeel: HR & Payroll UI/UX SaaS Design

ProDeel: HR & Payroll UI/UX SaaS Design

ProDeel is not just another HR and payroll platform; it's a revolutionary solution designed to simplify the complexities of managing a global wor Read More
