Psycho Romney in the basement with his beloved Reagan. With a tip of the hat to Hitchcock.
Pulp Non-Fiction. The Gimp, Romney, in the basement with Charles and David Koch.
Cover for Mother Jones.
Palin, huntress. Painted the week after she was selected by John McCain to be his Rogue Running Mate.
Romeny Wind-Ups. Painted during the Republican National Convention, for The Final Edition.
Paul Ryan and Mitt Romney playing with dolls. For The Final Edition.
Republican Square.
Dinosaur Palin.
"A Little Lung, Senator?" John McCain beats the war drum and meets for a photo op with some of his Syrian "good guy" rebels.
The Morning After. Painted the day after the 2008 election.
"Double, double, toil and trouble," chant Michele Bachmann, Ann Coulter and Rush Limbaugh as they stir up the pot against health care reform.
Tom Daschle, Obama's first nominee for secretary of Health and Human Services, Tom Daschle.
Maverick John McCain and Calamity Sarah Palin are out to raise a ruckus with their rootin', tootin', rabble-rousin' Wild West Show.
Ann Romney's not likin' what she sees.
Palin and McCain playing White House. For The Nation.
McCain's campaign mastermind Steve Schmidt, veteran of Bush's 2004 campaign under Karl Rove, exults in his creation!
Sheldon Adelson plays with his l'il puppet.


Various political satires.


Creative Fields