Superga Footwear 
Footfall Enhancement Campaign

Introduction: The Superga Footfall Enhancement Campaign was a highly successful marketing initiative designed to increase footfall and purchasing volumes at Superga's retail stores during the launch of their new store. Through a combination of a creatively designed spin-to-win campaign and a purpose-built website, the project aimed to engage users and incentivize them to visit Superga stores. This overview provides a detailed look at the campaign's components and the roles and responsibilities of the team involved.

Project Objectives:
• Increase footfall in Superga retail stores.
• Boost purchasing volumes, especially during the launch of a new store.
• Enhance brand engagement and interaction with potential customers.
• Collect valuable user data for future marketing efforts.
Campaign Components

1. Spin-to-Win Mechanism:
• The centerpiece of the campaign, the spin-to-win mechanism, was developed to provide an interactive and exciting experience for users.
• Users could access the spin-to-win game through the campaign website.
• Upon spinning, users had a chance to win in-store vouchers, creating a strong incentive for participation.
• Carefully designed algorithms ensured fairness and excitement in the game.

2. Campaign Website:
• A purpose-designed website served as the primary platform for the campaign.
• The website featured an attractive and user-friendly interface, reinforcing the Superga brand.
• It allowed users to access the spin-to-win game, browse store locations, view product catalogs, and access campaign details.
• The website was mobile-responsive, ensuring a seamless experience across devices.

3. Delivery Mediums:
The campaign utilized a multi-channel approach, leveraging various delivery mediums:
• Social Media: Engaging posts and advertisements were created to promote the campaign on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
• SMS: Users were sent personalized SMS messages inviting them to participate in the spin-to-win game.
• Email: Targeted email campaigns were sent to Superga's subscriber list, providing exclusive access to the campaign.


1. Wireframing the Online User Journey:
• Developed wireframes and user journey maps to plan the website's layout and user flow.
• Ensured a seamless and intuitive navigation experience for users.

2. Backend Development:
• Designed and developed the backend infrastructure to support the spin-to-win mechanism.
• Implemented security measures to protect user data and prevent fraud.
• Integrated data analytics tools to monitor user engagement.

3. Frontend Development:
• Created the user-facing interface of the website, focusing on aesthetics and user experience.
• Ensured mobile responsiveness and cross-browser compatibility.
• Integrated multimedia elements to enhance engagement.


The Superga Footfall Enhancement Campaign achieved remarkable success:

• Significantly increased footfall in Superga retail stores during the campaign period.
• Boosted purchasing volumes, particularly during the launch of the new store.
• Engaged a large and diverse audience across social media, SMS, and email channels.
• Collected valuable user data for future targeted marketing efforts.
• Strengthened Superga's brand presence and customer loyalty.


The Superga Footfall Enhancement Campaign demonstrated the power of creativity, technology, and multi-channel marketing in achieving tangible business results. By combining an engaging spin-to-win game with a purpose-designed website and strategic delivery through social media, SMS, and email, the campaign successfully increased footfall, sales, and brand engagement for Superga's retail stores. This project showcased the effectiveness of a holistic approach to digital marketing and user engagement.

*No link available as campaign was discontinued* 




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