When we think about Yoxon our brains just say “she IS the moment.” After deep personal transformation through plant medicine and integration therapies, owner Sarah Foster began offering integration work of her own. 

Everything she offers clients, she offers from a place of deep personal transformation. A doctor and dancer by profession, Yoxon has created a space for clients to integrate plant medicine and embark on life with new perspectives that can literally change the game. 

This project was a fever dream for us: between sushi dinners and long zoom sessions to get to the root of the project, we created a clean, neutral design system that reflects our place within nature, her focus on exploring the shadowy sides of the human psyche, and the safety of trusting your own intuition. Her final product was a crisp website that gently nods to her offering, speaks to her ideal client in the language that feels safest, and creates a space as peaceful as she is in real life.

Brand Identity
Web Design
Web Development

Yoxon Integrative Medicine


Yoxon Integrative Medicine
