Aldric Claven's profile

Image as Commentary

Week 5 Image as Commentary 

1. New poster thumbnails (at least 10)
2. Pencil / pen sketch of one chosen image (from the thumbnails)
3. Lino prints of the image (one colour)
4. Digital explorations of the lino printing (adding colour, transparency, etc.)
5. Final version of the poster using the lino print
Title: New poster thumbnails

Continuation of the waste crisis to provide awareness and encouragement, with more of my perspective and ideation of posters with entertaining twists, confronting concepts, dystopian, and the turning around of life. Basically to make you think more about the consequences of your actions. Grid format with initial pencil outlines repeated over the black fine-liner pen.
Title: But I am? The CHoSeN onE

The urban society, towering buildings, roads, contrasted with water ripples, fishes, sun, fire, face, separating track lines. Asymmetry and unification revealed a metaphor of controlled burning of forests with the purpose to promote life renewal such as distribution of flora and fauna communities amongst other reasons.
Title: Lino printing The CHoSeN onE

After sketching, changing a few aspects slightly to make it easier to carve (such as the eyes to look more realistic) and using two main tools to do this lino print, blue ink was used to print it. While it was a bit tricky to get small details like the fish to be carved more accurately, at large it came out as desired. Although, perhaps more smooth paint rolling would’ve been preferred but I did like the grainy texture that came out.
Title: Digital explorations—"testing, testing, testing..."

The first exploration shows how I used Adobe Creative Express, and in the second it reveals how Adobe illustrator was used. In combination to enlarge, change colours, transparency, reflection so the word can be read the ‘typical’ way, and arrangement of elements.
Title: THE FINAL ACT of The CHoSeN onE

Honestly, one of my favourite piece of art, using collage elements, blending, and enforcing the symbolic nature of the piece as a whole. I even carved a new typography ‘REGENERATION’ on lino print to add to this work.
Image as Commentary

Image as Commentary
