Even Dragsten's profile

Your — National Trust

The Concept
We want to give younger people a look and feel for National Trust. To do that, we plan on placing out several “pods” in strategic places, where we can give people an experience of what National Trust has to offer. Imagine yourself walking down a busy street in London, your heart is pounding with stress. You need a getaway. Then you see the National Trust “pod” a perfect getaway from the everyday-stress. Inside you have the sounds of nature, you have a 360°view of one of National Trust’s many sites, you use the tablet inside to navigate around. Another scenario: You are taking the tube to work everyday, all of the wagon has the same sterile look and feel, and you are sick of it. Every Friday National Trust offers a new wagon, a wagon that is modified to give you a break. To give you the lust for a weekend outside the city. The floor is covered with grass, the panels and handles is made out of wood. This is just what you need. 
We believe that by giving the audience a taste of the wonderful nature National Trust has to offer, in a new and ground breaking way. People will change their current opinion on National Trust, which is tea party-Sundays over-flood with older people. 
To accompany these user experiences we made a website, a new logo for the concept, as well as a series of posters placed around in cities.
The logo shown in different colours within the National Trust profile.
The pod models
Web solution
Poster designs
Your — National Trust

Your — National Trust

The brief was to reintroduce National Trust as a powerful connector between people and places. As a response we developed a user experience cal Read More
