Image Design and Production
2.1 Banana
Here I mainly focused on an analytical study, using crosshatching and linework to study the details in texture and surface changes shown on the fruit. Having it open in the composition was an exciting and fun pose which I felt was almost surreal as it looked like it was floating. 
I really enjoyed drawing this object and I think that the layered hatching in the banana (centre) and the stem peel are the most successful elements as they give a peek into my style and the choices I made when creating this image. I found it challenging to not just blur the whole object into a mid tone, I forced myself to be deliberate and leave negative space purposefully. 
2.2 Eggs before pancakes
Here I used HB pencil again, and on this Tuesday I had enough time to make pancakes for breakfast. I really really enjoyed investigating the egg carton box and the little divets and edges that the cardboard provided. With the shadows I attempted to take a simpler approach and just gave the illusion or gesture of shadow (seen in the close up). By playing with depth I felt that I was more successful in selecting negative space to be revealed. I wanted to go further and add more lines but I forced myself to leave it as is. 
1.3 Blood orange
Today I wanted to try something really different and so I used segments of blood orange to construct a block composition. It was easier today to study my object in an expressive, fun way. Allowing myself to just experiment with different mark making and trying to ignore the fear of the sketch not looking realistic, I felt that I was able to toy with something new. I like the 'webbing' (LHS segment of the orange) and the way that I developed the shadow and background surface to also reflect and refract light in an interesting, functional way. 
To improve I'd like to develop working on smaller details of my selected object in order to curate a different perspective/composition which isn't just another variation of birds eye view.
1.4 Chocolate croissant
Sketching at a cafe, this depiction of my croissant was really fun to do and was a lot faster than many of my previous drawings. I worked to layer the pastry, similar to how it would have been made, with the glistening highlights left in small fragments to indicate a freshness. Identifying the direct light source and pinpointing the chocolate bit peeking out helped to ground my image. A soft shadow underneath helped to add to the contrast of the image, which is something that I usually struggle with. Although I could have pushed this extent even further I am happy with the result thus far.  
1.5 Avocado toast made with a fork
I love avocado toast and working geometrically to squish the avocado on top of the crunchy sourdough. I tried my best to replicate these two contrasting textures, with harsh, jagged, scribbly lines representing the fork indentations. I embraced the harsh fluidity of adding pressure to pencil markings even though I was worried it wouldn't turn out well. Figuring out where the shadow sat underneath the toast enabled me to sit the object in space, however I feel that this could have been framed better with more background context.  
W2 #oneperday2023

W2 #oneperday2023
