Katrina Pincaro's profile

UNSW O-Week - Brand Rollout

UNSW O-Week - Set Your Sights
Brand Rollout

UNSW’s annual Orientation week has over 80,000+ attendees and a range of offerings from campus tours to start of session parties, all with the goal of getting students oriented to their first year of uni. The theme makes each year a distinct experience, sets the tone for the semester, and ties in all aspects of the four day event to be cohesive by bringing purpose and intention to every touchpoint. The theme of travel draws parallels with the transitionary orientation experience and helps first years prepare for the exciting university journey they are about to go on. 

You make a list, you pack your things, you physically travel and change scenery, and then you go have these amazing new experiences where you collect memories, souvenirs, new knowledge and broadened perspectives - in the same way you pack your bag for school, gain world knowledge from your degree, and collect memories and souvenirs of your time through clubs, volunteering, events etc.

As the Marketing Coordinator I was responsible for the creative direction and promotion of the event - ideating the theme, deciding on merchandise, and creating informational and promotional material by working within style guides created by Arc UNSW’s marketing team*

*Designs by Christine Le 
‘Set Your Sights’
We want new students to look forward not back, set their sights ahead, be excited about this new adventure and journey. Being vision focused and directing their steps forward in their time at UNSW, while also encouraging students to set their sights on all that O-Week has to offer.
Social Media Promotional Material
These are posts I designed using the identity and assets created by the marketing team. Worked with layout, scale, and colour to build awareness and excitement for the annual O-Week Party.
"Flying First Class" was themed to match the overall Travel identity. 
Tour Bags
Every tour attendee receives a tour bag filled with freebies and goodies from our event sponsors. The tour bag acts as a keepsake for each student. This year the decision was made to have fabric tour bags to increase its longevity and re-use after O-Week, be more sustainable than previous PVC bags, and allow for customisation using fabric markers so that first years could personalise it to their liking.

O-Week Passport
The map and itinerary for all incoming attendees, complete with the entire week's schedule to get people exploring everything O-Week has to offer. 
Signage and Decoration
UNSW O-Week - Brand Rollout


UNSW O-Week - Brand Rollout
