Diligent Technologies's profile

Digital marketing company in Kenya

How Digital Marketing Services Work
Step 1: Free consultation to understand why some business websites rank better than yours, and get more popular on Google, Bing and social media.
Step 2: Website Analysis. We shall do a website  and social media analysis and send a recommendation report. The report is business specific, depending on your goals and the nature of products or services. In this report, you will find the actions to be taken, timelines, budget plans and expected outcomes within a given period.
 Step 3: Website SEO and SMM. Our team will start the website optimization, SEO, and Social media marketing campaigns. At this time, we shall be working with you or a member of your team to gather the information needed for successful digital marketing company in Kenya.
Step 4: Pay per Click campaigns. Depending on the nature of your business, we will launch Pay per Click (PPC) campaigns that are profitable to your organization. Typically, PPC campaign budget starts at $50 and can scale to 6 figures depending on your organization goals.
Step 5: Setup CRM for nurturing captured leads through phone calls, signups, enquiries among others.
Step 6: Periodic Reports: typically, we monitor the progress on weekly basis and send reports of work every two weeks. 
Bonus: websites and Cybersecurity guides. If you do not have a website, we can build  and host one for you. We also help your organization understand cybersecurity basics and prevent cyberthreats.
Digital marketing company in Kenya


Digital marketing company in Kenya
