T300 Final Year Project

Alliance for the Action for Lower Wage Workers

Alliance for Action for lower wage worker project main objective of this project is to track the mood of the lower wage worker, in this case cleaners and help them overcome this issue. Also, ranking of the companies that has been effective in helping their employees by awarding them with the alpha award through creating of application.

3 Contributions I made to the team's project:

- I designed the sign-up pages, home page, question and leaderboard page with help from my teammates.

- Making of the interface for watches by strategically choose the crucial information that need to be shown

- Making of the mockup and the wireframe of the application and research alongside making the prototype of the watch

3 Things I learned after this project:

I learned from working on this project how crucial extensive research and getting user input are to the design process

- Importance of time management skills and the effectiveness of teamwork

- Having a clear mind of this will allow our project to be non-fiction rather than fiction
FYP Project

FYP Project
