Voxu embodies its mission to revolutionize the way people interact with technology, offering cutting-edge voice-based solutions that are tailored to each user, thus making technology more accessible, intuitive, and human-centric.
Voxu (pronounced as "vohk-soo") derives its name from two key elements:
"Vox" (Latin for "voice"): This represents the emphasis on voice-related technologies and solutions. Voxu aims to create innovative products and services that leverage conversations, natural language processing, and community building to enhance communication and interaction between humans.

"U" (representing "you"): The letter "U" signifies the focus on user-centric design and personalized experiences. Voxu's vision revolves around empowering users by providing intuitive, user-friendly solutions that cater to their individual needs and preferences.
When it comes to communication, it involves two parties, thus thinking of a conversation between two people, sending and receiving messages, which are in sync came the idea of the voxu icon.


