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UX UI Design | Milka : La grand chasse

In 2023, for Easter, Milka needed a game app arround the eggs hunt theme. The main purpose is promote milka’s new products for Easter and then collect user’s data (e-mail for example), by a game usable for a whole family. No budget was fixed, so there’s no limit to the creativity.

In the heart of the swiss mountains, lot of eggs are lost and you have to find it. User can parade around a big illustration represanting Swiss mountains, he can swipe and zoom however he want. User can play in two modes : the stroll mode, just taking a walk calmy without contraints ; the mission mode, user have to fill an egg quote with (or not) a time limit.

Each eggs can bring some points. The number of point depend of the difficulty to find egg. Difficulty is indicated by the egg’s colour. After collecting enough point, user can convert it into voucher (but to get it, he have to let an E-mail adress). The purple egg (the rarest ) contain one of the new milka product.
The play place : This is where the egg hunt party takes place. The user walks in the landscape as he wishes; it can zoom in/out and move around without impacting image quality.

The dash board : this is the most important screen, the dash board is the in game menu. The first part gather all features : going hunt eggs, the egg collection, missions archive and options. The second part is an summary of progress : you can find points that you cumulated and then convert’it ; and it show also the mission of the day.

The egg collection : there’s no more sastisfying when we going hunting that contemplate his collection. There’s every differents eggs that user has encoutered, but also Milka product contained in purple eggs.

Mission Archive : Everyday, a daily mission appears, and the day after it lands in the archive. User can access to the old missions and resume or restart.

All of the project was in a fictional surrounding, but there was some particularities. In class we are fourteen and it was divided in three groups. Each one constituated an agency responding to milka’s tender. This project has could us dive in a agency mood without the school setting. it required lot of qualities : organisation, group spirit, autonomy, … 

Manon AMIOT – project manager
Baptiste THÉAILLER – communication manager
Emma LAPORTE – UI design and illustration
Mathéo GRANGEON – UX design
Liana KWOK HIU FUNG – UX design
UX UI Design | Milka : La grand chasse

UX UI Design | Milka : La grand chasse
