Another series of illustrations based, this time, on some of Braun's 60s speakers and audio equipment.
Most of the products illustrated here were designed by Dieter Rams, such as the Atelier 3 and the famed modular stereo system.
A number of wall-mountable speakers have also been illustrated. These are:
Braun L250
Braun L460
Braun L45
Braun L25
Braun L 02
Braun L480-1
Braun L 01
Details of each product.
Braun TS45 TG60 L450
Braun L250
Braun L460
Braun L45
Braun L25
Braun L 02
Braun L480/1
Braun L 01
Braun Atelier 3
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Braun Audio

Braun Audio

Another Braun series.
