DirTek Designs 3.0
DirTek Designs 3.0 represents the third version of my portofolio.
The image above shows the way a tutorial article is shown in the loop.

The featured image (output through a function that draws the image link from a custom field) is automatically cloned and converted to black and white. When hovered, the image fades back to it's original color state.

The "Read more" button, as you might have guessed, takes you to the full post. The "View series" post only appears if the post is part of a series (will post details about this later) and takes you to the single series page.
The image above shows how the content of a tutorial article looks.
In DirTek Designs 3.0, tutorials use a custom post type for a better interface and order of information.
First of all, the featured image is shown at the top (this image isn't shown in normal articles).

Below the featured image, a section containing additional info about the tutorial, like the tutorial type, the difficulty of the tutorial and the estimated time needed to complete the tutorial. That section might be modified, additional information might be added so users can decide if the tutorial is or isn't useful to them. This section is added/edited through a custom meta box added to only the tutorial post types.

Next, there is a series section. I won't go into detail about that feature yet, since I still have to modify that plugin some more. But if you want to know more about it, you can visit the TutsPlus network and see it in action, or buy the plugin from CodeCanyon (aprox. 17$).
Above is the new preview of how the posts will look in the loop.

I've replaced both the "Read more" and "View Series" buttons with new ones and moved the social buttons between them so that less space will be occupied.
Further information will be added soon!
DirTek Designs 3.0

DirTek Designs 3.0

The progress of the Wordpress theme for DirTek Designs 3.0.
