Elric Krebs's profile

CS Final: SOULFLIGHT Unity Game

My CS Final was a test of my computer understanding and willingness to learn new programs. The first quarter was a series of stages where we as teams would work together to facilitate what it is like to work in the industry as programmers. We conceptualized and dove into deep discussion and building of the different requirements and user stories that we may need to help build our game.

The game style we wanted to build was a Rogue Lite game that has a reminiscent style of the old PS 2 game era with its pixelated textures and fuzzy shading with slightly jittery animations.

Our list of requirements went from the extend of a menu screen, to in game key-binds, character creation / interaction, and full on combat. We quickly saw how difficult it was to hit all check marks in such a short amount of time, but for only being given a few weeks to actually construct the game, we came a fair distance. The basis of the game we have is a perfect jumping point for something fun and interactive to be made if more time and effort is put into it.

All built in Unity using C# scripts with blender created models and assets (some free use assets were also used).

As of now, the project has been entirely left to me as the other team members were no longer interested in maintaining contact to work on the game. Any work done on it will have to either be done by me, or anyone else who shows interest in working it with me.

Note: The concept art for the title of the game was made by another student in my Design class during the making of the game, Elaine Miranda Salcedo.
CS Final: SOULFLIGHT Unity Game

CS Final: SOULFLIGHT Unity Game
