Sock Design 
​​​​​​​Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator
Now socks I always seem to find the most irony or novelty with, personally me as a collector of them, pretty much any sock out of the ordinary speaks out to me, so I wanted to convey that through my own take on a packaging design of socks. This was the most difficult project that I have endured thus far, something about the creative brainstorming I kept on tripping up with. I had chosen the pair of socks I felt I could relate most to, with the choosing of the dog socks there’s so many ways to go about it. At first, I went with the idea of a burglar stealing the socks because they are so great. I had then hit an art block and couldn’t decide why the design felt off. I gave it time, then switched over to the idea of a donation/ charity type of design, which fit much better with the mascot dog representing saving dog’s lives. 
Finished Sock Design
Brainstorming For the First Idea
Figuring Out the Layout
Redefining First Idea
Changing Ideas and Adding Elements
Start of New Idea
Adding Illustrating Elements 
Final Flat Sock Layout
Puff Power Socks