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Inspiring Quotes

Inspiring Quotes
Quotes in general are inspiring with all their aspects, as a graphic designer quotes by pioneers of the design world and well- known personalities are very much inspiring for me as an individual or to everyone looking for that extra bit of inspiration. I thought of an idea of designing the layouts and grid formats for some quotes I find really motivational and astonishing. I want people to pay attention to words that have been told by people with exceptional experience, not only it can steer you to another direction but also an opportunity to make you more wiser and understanding. My design strategy here was to make the quotes look more appealing and send the vital message of the quote at the same time. Different typefaces and colors are used for each design to give more voice and character to each piece. I hope these quotes are inspiring to you all as they are to me. 
Typeface: Helvetica Bold + Helvetica Light Oblique 
Quote: Scott Adams 
Typeface: Telugu MN Bold + Telugu MN Regular
Quote: Winston Churchill
Typeface: Didot Bold
Quote: David Carson 
Typeface: Plantagenet Cherokee Regular + Playball Regular
Quote: David Carson
Typeface: Futura Medium + Futura Condensed Medium 
Quote: Edward Tufte
Typeface: Palatino Bold Italic + Palatino Regular
Quote: Milton Glaser
Typeface: Helvetica Bold + Helvetica Regular
Quote: Milton Glaser 
The following quotes are all personally said and quoted, based on my personal knowledge, practice, and huge passion of design. Copyrights reserved AMK.
Typeface: Helvetica Bold + Helvetica Light 
Quote: Aisha Mohammed - AMK
Typeface: Didot Regular + Didot Light + Didot Bold
Quuote: Aisha Mohammed - AMK
Typeface: Gill Sans Light + Gill Sans Bold
Quote: Aisha Mohammed - AMK 
Typeface: Helvetica Light + Helvetica Regular + Helvetica Bold
Quote: Aisha Mohammed - AMK
Inspiring Quotes