Posters bring to life the reality of the campaign with situations that so many of us can relate to whilst taking a new angle at sponsorship and support of the Commonwealth Games 2014.
I presented a full advert storyboard explaining how each scene would build an emotional connection with the viewer
These were suggested window displays that would mirror the in-home scenarious that so many of the target market would relate to from the advert.
Retail marketing would embody the message from my campaign whilst relating John Lewis directly with the Commonwealth Games in Glasgow 2014.
Sports days hit home with the target market by showing that John Lewis hold such a valuable position within the lives of their children as well as their own.
From online competition alongside sports day photography, the British public become the face of the second leg of the marketing campaign.
John Lewis

John Lewis

This was a submission of mine that was been shortlisted for the Star Creative Awards by The Marketing Society Scotland. The brief was to continue Read More
