"Super Mario Bros 3+" is a fan project made by the user "Infidelity" that adds many new features to the original game "Super Mario Bros 3" from 1988, renewing it and getting a new game experience.

Probably the most important feature of this project is that in addition to playing with Mario and Luigi (who now has his own independent sprites) you will also be able to play with Toad and Princess Peach, who retains her abilities such as hovering in the air from "Super Mario Bros 2" (USA).
New Sprites
- Luigi:
Luigi's sprites were made using the luigi sprites featured in the Gameboy Advance re-release of the game as a base, converting the 16-bit sprites to perfectly functional 8-bit while retaining the original game's color palette.
- Princess Peach:
Peach's sprites were made using the game's original sprites as a base and the costumes were added from there, basing the sprites on the official designs featured in later games.
- Toad:
Toad's sprites were made using the assets present in "Super Mario Maker 2" as a base, but both the meta-sprites and the color palette were adapted due to the size limits of the original game.
Overworld Map:
VS mode:
New sprites of Toad and Princess Peach were made in addition to Luigi who now has his independent Mario sprites for the minigame that pays homage to the classic Arcade "Mario Bros"
Gameplay by: Vincent Hernandez
Box Cover
Finally I made the cover of the game reusing graphic elements that were made for the relaunch destined for the console "Gameboy advance", under the name of "Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros 3", "Super Mario Advance: Super Mario Bros 2" , among others.
Relevant Links:

- Infidelity's twitter profile:

Super Mario Bros. 3+

Super Mario Bros. 3+
