Pin-Hsien Lin's profile

Ars Longa, Vita Brevis - Remembering Ryuichi Sakamoto

In the energy flow of life, we all strive toward the direction of light. 
Because we don’t know when we will die, we can only try to leave traces of our existence. 


Musician / Artist Ryuichi Sakamoto passed away in March 2023. 

As a tribute to this great artist, I created this visual work based on the theme of "Ars Longa, Vita Brevis. - Art is Long, Life is short" which was a phrase loved by Mr. Sakamoto during his lifetime. 
The work uses photographs with gradations of color and flowing lines as the expression of "Traces"

Ryuichi Sakamoto has been showing the world his endless creative energy through music, creation, art, thoughts, and movements. His keen observation and insight, as well as his limitless experimental spirit, deeply influenced my values as a creator and as a human. When knowing of his departure, the first thing that comes to mind is that he can finally rest after years of battling with illness, however, the loss of a respected artist created a hollowness in my heart that could only be filled with more creativity. I hope to follow in his footsteps and persevere in the pursuit of "works that last forever".

“Ars Longa, Vita Brevis.” - 「生命雖短暫,藝術永留存為主題創作了視覺作品。 


而照片所呈現的偶然性,就有如我當初也是在偶然的機會下認識坂本龍一的作品,一切來的是如此自然,卻帶給了我莫大的影響。 坂本龍一有著巨人般成就,長年一來一直透過音樂、創作、藝術、思想、行動向這個世界展現他無止盡的創作能量。 他敏銳的觀察與見解,以及不設限的實驗精神,深深地影響了我從事創作者以及身而為人的價值觀。 對於坂本先生的離去,雖然第一個想到的是與病痛搏鬥多年的他終於可以休息了,但另一方面也因失去了一位敬愛的前輩而產生心理上的空洞, 只能用更多的創作來彌補。 希望自己能夠沿著教授的腳步,堅持在追求“不會消逝的作品”這條路上勇敢前進。
Project Type: Visual Communication 
Year: 2023
Design: Pin-Hsien Lin / Positive Human Learner  
Ars Longa, Vita Brevis - Remembering Ryuichi Sakamoto


Ars Longa, Vita Brevis - Remembering Ryuichi Sakamoto
