The idea that people only have five sensory systems is not scientifically validated. Proprioception, for example, assists in orientation in space. Alexander Chelzer and his NIH colleagues discovered that patients with impaired Piezo2 function, which is associated to tactile perceptions, are unable to do simple activities with their eyes closed. The Sixth Sense lamp is designed with a simplified control mechanism for varying levels of proprioception. The lamp’s base is shaped like a cross, a perfect shape that allows the user to position the lamp as near to the work area as possible or anywhere between pieces of furniture. Unnecessary details that could impede use are eliminated. Switches are installed above the shades, at arm’s reach from anyone seated. Because of the calculations for switch height and placement at the top, the user can place it next to the desktop and turn it on or alter the lighting with their hand without looking or moving their elbow from the work area.

Brand Maytoni GmbH

Lead Designer Alexey Danilin
Engineer Nikita Morozov
Product Manager Tata Danilova
Product Manager Elena Slivka
Product Manager Assistant
Anastasia Orlova
Visualizer Dmitry Cherednikov
Photographer Pavel Dunaev
Retoucher Vlad Bukin



