Viktoria Chernenko's profile

Interactive book-quest

Interactive quest game "The Last Legacy"
based on the novel of the title by Andriy Novik

An illustrated game book full of Ukrainian legends and mysterious ciphers for an adult audience. The story is about the search for an artifact that made the ancient Slavs one of the most powerful ethnic groups in Eastern Europe for a long time. Each note is given in the form of a riddle, a cipher. The reader will have to solve these tasks and, moving step by step, learn more and more about the mysterious events. With each page, the reader finds answers... or gets even more lost in the riddles!
For a good design, a prerequisite is to have a unified style. The key to the style I used is to choose three main colors as the three main storylines.
Since the goal was to create a game book, we chose the form of a diary, and for convenience and comfort, it is small enough to take with you on the road. The riddles can be solved and written down right in the book. There are special places for writing answers. To understand the next riddle, you need to solve the previous one. To understand what the book is about, you need to solve a riddle and vice versa, everything is interconnected.
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Interactive book-quest

Interactive book-quest
