Jack Warren's profile


Illuminated throughout the following mood boards, images, colour schemes and conceptualizations I hope to help showcase a small piece of the LGBTQ+ community and all of the intense history that this community has. This is a very important topic to me. As a gay man living in a place that allows me to express my identity allows me to pay homage and champion those who came before me, paving the way for a more accepting world. People like Marsha P. Johnson (a transgender drag queen noted to be a main player in gay rights protests) make me very grateful and hyper-aware of the things queer people had to endure just to live authentically. I need to educate myself on this history and share how these historical events have shaped my ability to live. Throughout these images, there are various pictures of gay rights protests (such as the Stonewall Inn raid) and the people who helped champion and legalize queerness. Although the LGBTQ+ community is very bright and colourful the history is intense and gray similar to all the images that have captured these events. Playing on that I want to showcase and champion queer history without using many colours. No matter who you are, what colour your skin is, or where you come from, you should always champion a world without hate and one that champions individuality.
For my design, I am very interested in creating a Magazine Cover. I have recently signed up with a modelling agency here in Toronto so this is a topic and art medium that has been on my mind lately. Using the knowledge I have on the history of queerness I want to create a magazine cover that showcases the way the intense history of the LGBTQ+ community has shaped me and follows me every day. The magazine will be a brand focused on championing queer models and educating people on the tribulation queer people still experience to this day. In recent history especially in the US, we have seen countless attacks on the LGBTQ+ community to attempt to strip our rights away and silence our voices. Queer people have always been here and always will be. It's time we start treating everyone equally regardless of their differences in individuality. This magazine cover will be a way for me to represent myself as a model, tackle real relevant issues in the community today and use the magazine as a platform to champion queer history. Through the use of minimal colour and pictures/facts to help illuminate these issues I will create a magazine cover, allowing me to put my melancholic feelings about the current homophobia in our world. By creating a platform that eliminates hate I will help amplify the voices of marginalized individuals and educate the masses. I am going to focus my work for this project to Photoshop to allow myself to gain more insight into the program and create an appealing and compelling magazine.
Encyclopædia Britannica, inc. (2023, March 31). Stonewall riots. Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved April 2, 2023, from https://www.britannica.com/event/Stonewall-riots
Yeeboodev. (2023, March 3). Fifty years after Stonewall Riots: Pride, Protest and a hunger for Equality. Amnesty International Canada. Retrieved April 2, 2023, from https://amnesty.ca/blog/lgbti-rights/fifty-years-after-stonewall-riots-pride-protest-and-a-hunger-for-equality/
Laux, C. (2022, February 24). Stonewall riots: A beacon for people around the world? BBC Culture. Retrieved April 2, 2023, from https://www.bbc.com/culture/article/20190625-stonewall-riots-the-beacon-for-people-around-the-world
1969 stonewall riots - origins, Timeline & leaders - history. (n.d.). Retrieved April 2, 2023, from https://www.history.com/topics/gay-rights/the-stonewall-riots
Pinterest. (n.d.). Retrieved April 2, 2023, from https://www.pinterest.com/


