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New Age Dinosaurs

Few realize it, but when we lost the dinosaurs to the Chicxulub asteroid, we didn't just lose the coolest group of organisms to ever walk the Earth. They were also the most spiritual. The dinosaurs discovered the divine energy of existence soon after they evolved. True, the carnivores continued to eat meat. But they no longer killed out of anger or hunger or pleasure. They killed only when necessary to maintain the balance of life on the planet; they did it as a service to life.

The dinosaurs aligned their own chakras and then, when their spiritual energy had grown sufficiently powerful, they aligned the chakras of the planet. They were just beginning the awesome task of aligning the chakras of the solar system when tragedy struck. The impact of the Chicxulub asteroid caused a misalignment of the planetary chakras. Scientists will tell you that the asteroid killed the dinosaurs by ash from the impact, ash from the volcanoes triggered by the impact, and wildfires. But the Earth never would have allowed that to happen if its chakras had stayed aligned.

The dinosaurs were killed by chakra imbalance.

Since no one else will show you the spiritual auras of those great creatures, I will.












And just for fun, a few of the attempts that didn't turn out quite right but that are still interesting:

These illustrations were drawn using Stable Diffusion 2.1.
New Age Dinosaurs