Bart Pitchford's profile

Best of Enemies Audio

Best of Enemies
Sound Design
The concept for this sound design was distanced reality. The director wanted to envelope the audience in the uncomfortable reality that existed at the time of this event, while also reminding the audience that they are not part of the event itself. To accomplish this, I created sound effects that enveloped the audience in three-dimensional environment, but added a subtle reverb to create spatial distancing. All of the sound effects for this production were highly localized because the action hopped across stage from scene to scene. We used sound to help draw the audience's focus prior to the start of the scene. Additionally, a variety of reverb settings were used to match the given circumstances of a scene with the existing reverb in the theatre itself. Finally, music was as much a character in this show as the actors. The tone and content needed to establish the date and the arc of the character's mood throughout the production.
WARNING: Best of Enemies is a play about a racial event that took place in 1971. Some voiceovers contain potentially offensive and harmful content.
Charlie Lang Radio Voice Over
Crowd Booing
Crowd Dispersing
Crowd Laughing
Crowd Cheering
Election Announcement
Councilman Ferris Voiceover 1
Councilman Ferris Voiceover 2
Crowd Clapping into Funeral Announcement
Gas Station 
Reverend Announcement
Klan Prayer
Best of Enemies Audio


Best of Enemies Audio
