Nenad Kojic's profile

SkyNews iPhone App.

SkyNews iPhone App
Re-design of one of 'the' most downloaded Apps ever
They said, "Its one of 'the' most downloaded App's ever" and, "There's nothing wrong with it and, no, its not broken. However, we'd like a new look-and-feel." I said, sure, fine.

Of all the background information I found on this project, one story and a few visual things struck me about the old design and helped me decide on a course of action for the new App.

"We (they said) launched the App with white text on a black background and users hated it, we got what was tantamount to hate mail!"

Identify issues:
Why was white on black such an issue? In my estimation, the old design suffered from having too much text and imagery in close proximity to each other, creating thin gutters and causing vertically stacked images and text to blur into one another. 
I wanted more impact, to move things around, create something fresh to stand out from the crowd that served to compliment and enhance their brand. 

So I did the below...
Homescreen v1.0.
The logo was enlarged / the glowing horizon became a more natural glow, with rich atmospheric blues to emphasise Sky's breaking news and global reach / Breaking News story was biggest with a new feature, as indicated by a 'feature-rich' (stacked sheet) icon (later to become a box-shaped icon). Each news item had two lines of copy and had ample breathing space with an added top left glow, subtle and useful in as much as it added depth and felt more tactile.
Homescreen v1.1.
Mae lots of changes here: Primary navigation has changed to visually link active button to story below more / Feature-rich icon is now a box / 'Breaking news' slug (as its called), became a part of the text panel / additional icons stripped out, replaced with chevrons / secondary images enlarged to 16:9.
Article v1.0.
Article page, with added story depth.
Biography v1.0.
Graph v1.0.
Still gallery v1.0.
Timeline v1.0.
Timeline v1.1.
Touchable still v1.0.
SkyNews iPhone App.

SkyNews iPhone App.

I designed this!
