Broken memories is RPG like experience with detective
elements based on stories of real people living with mental
illness and their loved ones

clay renders

 “Story behind”
This year was soo different from the previous ones. My sweet daughter was born and the feeling wasn’t something I felt before. Someone needs soo much attention and my time. During my University years, I was able to work on multiple free time projects, attend classes and also work. Now I’m really lucky when I can finish tasks from my job and then spend the rest of my energy at home with her and my daughter. But I feel the urge to create new stuff… I kind of can’t stop it. So this is it. “Game” about the topic that’s lurking around me (around everyone).

This interactive experience is basically about “Losing your own personality” in a battle with mental illness. About the thin line between reality and a dream, about life in this blurred border of these two sides. The last and maybe the saddest element of all those stories is that the ill person isn’t alone in this hell. So this experience will show you a glimpse of what this should look like. 

The story is composed of a few stories I hear from people around, some of them are almost like a family some of them are almost strangers, but in both cases stories about their relatives, partners, and friends getting lost in their own head were heartbreaking and I tried to do my best to express how those feeling can hit.


So the main protagonist is slowly discovering what’s happening in a detective and rational way. But the world around him is gradually bending and changing form, so he is forced to look for ways how to prove what’s real and what’s lying. He isn’t so sure about what happened… And even if he gets close he is in denial.

Slowly decomposing scenes of reality become staged and clear game scenes where you talk and interact with strangers or your relatives. Every scene is a short story told by you to someone… stranger on the bus during your travel to your granddaughter, your wife, your friend on the phone, a nurse in a hospital, another patient.

Thank you for your time
See you soon again!

Broken Memories


Broken Memories
