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ixtract | Siemens Industry 4.0

The hidden life of the machines
Print and interactive campaign for Siemens, for the Hannover Fair 2014
This time, we hopped into the world of almost autarkical laboring assembly lines of the near future. In a cross-media campaign for Siemens, the tremendously complex processes of the Industry 4.0 were lumped into a comprehensive minimum. The result was a two-sided advertisement in the German business paper „Handelsblatt“ as well as an interactive web application, based on HTML5 and Javascript.
German version:
From 300 dpi to 72dpi in only five days. To help transferring the content into the digital world, we also created and designed an online inforoom, which includes short and interactive animations, perfectly fitting to the print advert. Everybody can choose his own way through the flood of information to find out more about the highlighted Industry 4.0 challenges, step by step.
It may appear simple, but there was a multiplicity of possible routes for the assembly line, which had to be tested in purpose of creating a reasonable reading path, conducting the user through all of the available information. This is one of the typical steps you usually can't see anymore in the final graphic.
The special challenge of this work was to design all oft the 3D elements in the same abstract way as the 2D icons – whilst keeping a very detailed and technological look.
Even the best and most developed assembly lines do not work completely autarkic. There are five scenarios, which illustrate all oft he essential steps of the value added chain in the production process, where people plan, construct or operate.
Several short animation pieces support understanding the processes step by step. 2D and 3D scenes complement one another.
ixtract | Siemens Industry 4.0


ixtract | Siemens Industry 4.0

This time, we hopped into the world of almost autarkical laboring assembly lines of the near future. In a cross-media campaign for Siemens, the t Read More
