Senior Health Care Clinic
Propagate, Grow, Healthy
The design brief ask to design an elderly clinic in a site surrounded by corn fields in Malang. Malang is an agriculture land where farming becomes the majority job. Due to the low income of the farmers, health care was unaffordable for them and health care is vital to continue growing crops and survive. Our clinic is an ecological place where ‘growing a healthy lifestyle, grow a healthy community’ is the concept, it redefine the perception of a conventional clinic. Our notion which focuses on barter trade system by grows crops and making public services in exchange of free health care becomes the fundamental idea of designing the clinic. By providing empty green pockets in within the circulation for planting activities, and vertical farming too.
Our aim of this development is mainly targeted elderly community to be healthy and also provided spaces for activities [green pockets]. This development promotes health care, exercise, communicate with others, being health conscious and be happy. The green pockets situated along the main circulation allow it to be visible without compromising circulation route. It a naturally inspires elderly to plant, cultivate plants such as: herbs, cucumber and tomatoes. This helps the community to carry out these activities and be responsible for the greenery in the building.
As times goes by, this clinic would turn into a green clinic with natural green walls and roof. The design also caters towards the program of clinic growth by allowing future expansions with different stage [a few clinics and doctors room] without jeopardize the concept of growth.
In short, this clinic would propagate a healthy environment for the elderly and it also grows with the community. 
Growing Clinic

Growing Clinic

Project Brief was asked to design a senior health care clinic at Junrejo, Indonesia. Building scheme is to provide primary health care for elderl Read More
