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Meta Quest 2

This project was created with the Texas State 2022 NSAC team.
 Winning 1st in our District and Best Media Planning 
I was an Art Director and Production Head of this untethered team.
Featured is the work from the Creative team. To see the full Presentation scroll to the bottom of this page :)
The BrieF: 
How to make the Quest 2 essential tech for Gen Z 18-24 college students.
The Problem:
Gen Z thinks VR is just another unnecessary gaming device
Meta needs to create a campaign that feels inclusive and attracts new customers to join the 'metaverse' with their VR headset.  
Big Idea:
Untether from Expectations.
Create a campaign that elicits recognition of the problem of societal and self-imposed expectations, personifying them as marionette strings.
Present Meta Quest 2 as the solution- a no-strings-attached tool for untethering from reality’s expectations.
Creative Manifesto TV Spot
AD: Parker Healy CW: Kaitlynn Turner
'How To' Social and Streaming Spot
AD: Parker Healy CW: Kaitlynn Turner & Janet Hagedorn
This campaign kicks off with the Creative Manifesto to identify the problem of being tethered to perceptions, technology, and overall expectations. Shifting from this to more light-hearted humor- our How To commercial demonstrates the realities of how Gen Z is puppeted by society. 
Both of these commercials show how Meta Quest 2 is the key to untether from expectations of the world and hop into the metaverse where anything is possible.
Audio Spot
It's no secret, Gen Z is tethered to their devices. 
With this spot, we wanted to pull their strings to check their phone notifications to show how tethered they are.
SFX: *Notification sounds*... start with one, get chaotic. iMessage, Twitter, vibrating, etc. (3-5 seconds)
Made you look? You must be tethered to your phone.
Here’s how to untether:
Put your phone on silent. Try not to check it. Still check it. SFX: Scream
Throw it in the ocean. SFX: waves crashing, throwing the phone into water
Realize that’s bad for the environment. Go back for your phone.
Now put it in rice and please don’t sue us.
Finally, Realize that there’s a better way to untether. Take a break and explore a world untethered on Meta Quest 2.
Untether from expectations. Quest is Ready.
Editor: Parker Healy 
AD: Parker Healy 
CW: Kaitlynn Turner, Jenna Carroll ​​​​​​​
AD: Dafne Vargas
Interactive OOH
AD: Dafne Vargas
Social Media & Event
We wanted to give back to our target market through a short film competition for scholarships. Also, this provided a platform for audiences to show what being 'untethered' means to them.  
Meta would place tethered invitations on campuses throughout the fall semesters to join our
 Untethered Together fest online or in person, further pushing the definition of what it means to be untethered.
Wrapping up the campaign in the early months of November, Meta would rent out the Barclays Center for the first-ever Untether Together fest. 
This convention could be experienced in person or online through the Quest 2 headset. Features include the short film completion, VR Fashion show, Digital Art exhibit, and exclusive demos.
Lenticular Posters
Timecodes for sections
Strategy/Research- :30
Creative- 5:26
Media- 15:20
Presenters in speaking order: Johnny Vasallo, Janet Hagedorn, Kaleb Brendle, Jenna Carroll
Meta Quest 2

Meta Quest 2
