Glyph Compositions
Sans Serif composition in Neue Haas Grotesk - left, Serif composition in Stempel Garamond - right
For this project, we were tasked with creating two unique compositions using only 5-8 glyphs. As a new design student, this was difficult at the beginning for me but got easier as I became more comfortable with the guidelines and sketching. Here are the compositions I came up with.
Serif Composition - Stempel Garamond LT Std - letters used: K, l, j, t, v
For this composition, I increased the size of the "K" to create a focal point. I also lined up the "v" and "t" in a way that they would both point to the "K" in a complimentary way. The tail of the "j" also lines up with the curve of the bar of the "t" to help create a more pleasing composition.
Sans Serif Composition - Neue Haas Grotesk Display Pro - letters used: P, f, k, m, r
For this composition, I tried to incorporate the design principle of closure to give shape to the "r" and "f". I also lined up the leg of the "k" and the stem of the "m" with the bottom curve of the bowl of the "P" to create a continuous flow between those letters.
Glyph Compositions

Glyph Compositions
