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13 Pro Tips for Taking Care of Your Face

13 Pro Tips for Taking Care of Your Face
Anti-wrinkle massages, beautiful skin recipes, radiance boosters, anti-fatigue tips… Enter into the secrets of skincare specialists and adopt their gestures and little habits to display a younger and brighter face.

Follow a Facial Routine
Your skin is your skin routine. It is as simple as this and this is why you should take care of your skin. The best way to keep your skin beautiful and young forever is to follow a facial routine by booking facial services every month. You can book facial experts at home through online booking if you do not have time to go to the salon due to your busy schedule.

Massage the Lips
If you find that your mouth is less luscious than before, I advise you to make small pinches between the fingers from one corner of the lips to the other for a few minutes. This gesture reactivates blood circulation and makes the mouth fuller and more colorful.

Focus on Antioxidants
They help the skin fight against free radicals and reduce wrinkles, fine lines, and pigment spots. For me, they have become essential because they have a preventive role in aging by protecting the skin from aggressions and a corrective function because they help repair the damage. I recommend using a serum that contains it every morning, alone or before the day cream.

Straighten with a Mask
Sometimes the firming products we use when we notice sagging skin are slightly drying for the skin. I, therefore, recommend plumping the skin regularly with masks. Or you can book facial services at home to get Janssen, Gold, Derma or Hydra facials to keep your skin pimple-free and wrinkle-free in the most hassle-free way.

Smile while Applying Your Cream
When you put on your day care, remember to smile excessively. This little facial gym exercise strengthens the tissues and muscles that lie under the skin without taking time.

Pinch to Firm
This movement restores firmness to the features. Without cream, with all your fingers and without pulling the skin so as not to weaken the support fibers, pinch the eyebrows, the forehead, the temples, the cheekbones, the cheeks, and finally, the oval of the face.

Rinse the Micellar Water
Some micellar waters can leave cleansing agents on the skin, which ends up suffocating it. After removing your make-up, consider rinsing it with floral water. Lavender, rose, orange blossom, choose the one that suits you best. You can even change it according to the feeling of your skin.

Practice Double Makeup Removal
Start by removing your make-up with an oil or a balm to remove make-up, dust residue, and pollution properly. Then perform a second cleansing by massaging the face with your five fingers to stimulate blood flow and re-energize the skin: from the chin to the ears, on the cheeks, between the eyebrows, and finally on the forehead.

Booking facial services every month also helps keep your skin free from blackheads and whiteheads that cause pimples and hyper pigmentation.

Choose the Right Scrub
Exfoliating your skin stimulates it, restores its radiance, and improves the effectiveness of creams. Mechanical scrubs contain grains and are perfect for combination skin. In enzymatic formulas, fruit acids or enzymes "nibble" dead cells. Less aggressive, they are suitable for dry and sensitive skin.

Listen to the Skin's Internal Clock
Like the rest of the body, the skin is subject to a circadian rhythm (lasting 24 hours) during which its needs differ. During the day, it defends itself against external aggressions. At night, it regenerates. Unfortunately, the evolution of our rhythm of life means that we have lost 2 hours of sleep per night in 70 years. 2 hours less than the skin spends repairing itself. It is important to help it with night care that promotes cell regeneration.

Overcome Exposure to Blue Light
It is the one that comes from computer screens, LEDs, telephones, and tablets and which has been discovered to accelerate the aging of the skin. If you are regularly in front of a screen, adopt a treatment containing ingredients capable of correcting the harmful effects of these prolonged exposures.

Concoct an Anti-Imperfection Roll On
Mix 5 ml of Nigella oil, 6 drops of tea tree essential oil, 10 drops of fine lavender EO, ​​3 drops of peppermint EO. Transfer to a roll-on. Apply at night and wash off the next morning. Do not use it if going in the sun. »

Soothe with the Rose
After the age of 45, combination skin especially needs to be rebalanced, and this requires a “softness” phase and not a “stripping” phase. Leave aside the formulas for teenagers. Prefer cleansers for normal skin and use rose floral water because it adapts to the skin's needs.

If you don’t have time to take care of your skin daily, search with the keyword beautician services near me to book experts online.
13 Pro Tips for Taking Care of Your Face


13 Pro Tips for Taking Care of Your Face


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