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Sunrise of the Gods

Mount Bromo is an active volcano and is part of the Tengger Massif located in East Java. As it belongs to the Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park, it is not the highest peak of the massif but is the most visited tourist attraction. It’s last eruption was in January 28, 2011. After checking out from Ketapang Indah Hotel, our driver took us directly to Probolinggo, a base town for Bromo goers.  It took roughly about 6 hours to get there from Banyuwangi.  Finally, when the sun slowly came out and light started to cast over the mountains, I was so amazed with the view my jaw literally dropped. It was indeed one of the most beautiful sceneries I’ve ever seen in my life. The purple and pink cast from the sunrise gave Bromo this surreal and magical feeling. I couldn’t have done it without my beloved wife’s encouragement and the driver who took us there.

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Sunrise of the Gods

Sunrise of the Gods

Mount Bromo is an active volcano and is part of the Tengger Massif located in East Java. As it belongs to the Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park, Read More
