Staša Simenović's profile

[A.1] ARCHITECTURE.1 Student Works 1997-2006.

Student Work 1997-2006.
I enjoyed studying architecture at the University of Belgrade very much, but it took me a long time to finish my studies. In the winter of 1996 and spring of 1997 there were massive student protests in Belgrade and constant fighting to overthrow Milošević. In 1999, NATO bombed Serbia, and my studies were again put on hold. We lived in constant fear of the war coming from outside and the repressive regime inside the country on the other side. Those days were hard and cruel for everyone and led to the biggest protests since March 9, 1991. Fortunately, on October 5, 2000, we finally overthrew the tyrant and were finally free, for a while (unfortunately). All this unrest also took a toll on my energy and health, so it took me longer to finish my studies, even though I had not missed a single year.
Building in Knez Mihajlova street no.48, "Krstina mehana"  decorative elements, hand drawn on site, traced with pen and ink 
There are a couple of problems with my student work. First, I've only owned a computer since 2005, and all of my work is therefore hand-drawn. Second, the papers were kept by the faculty and not returned after grading, so most of my papers probably ended up in the trash. This means that most of my papers and works are now lost forever, such as some beautiful seminars on green roofs and architecture related to totalitarian regimes, spatial analysis of St. Anton's Church by Jože Plečnik in Belgrade, etc. So, from my 5 years of study and 42 passed exams, only a few projects are left.
Class: Architectural Drawing 
Assignment: Monogram
My name was Staša Pavlović at the time of my studies. The task was to create a pictographic monogram from the first letters of the first and last names - S and P. I present to you the process and the final result in different techniques.
Class: Architectural Drawing 
Assignment: Letters in a Grid
Class: Synthesis Project I 
Assignment: Caffe by the River Sava
The proposal for the caffee is located on the promenade of the Sava River with already defined pedestrian paths and green areas. The requirements for the programme were not too high, so a wide range of ideas and forms could be explored for this task.
My main idea came from the shells that caught my eye in the area. The shapes of the shells inspired me to try to incorporate their spiral geometry into the design of my building.

Class: Interior Design
Assignment: Shoe + Clothes Store
Class: Interior Design
Assignment: Apartment
[A.1] ARCHITECTURE.1 Student Works 1997-2006.


[A.1] ARCHITECTURE.1 Student Works 1997-2006.


Creative Fields