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Experience thrilling wilderness adventure in Dandeli

Experience thrilling wilderness adventure in Dandeli
Life becomes a sport if you’re an adventure junkie. After all the mundane work that earns you a living, you need to indulge in something that you love to do. And India spoils you with innumerable choices to satiate your heart’s desire for adventure. So you love flying in the air, or swim in the waters, your heart thumps when you ride a white water raft or that feeling of joy when you summit a mountain thrills you no end? You want it and it’s there for you.

But when all you want is available so close to you, why look elsewhere? Dandeli is a hidden gem of the Western Ghats that is now enjoying its time of glory. As more and more people experience Dandeli adventure trip and see for themselves some of the best outdoor activities, they fall in love with this place. What’s more, embracing wilderness adventure gives them the much needed boost that drives them further till they come back for more.

Whistling Woodzs Resort is one of the most popular Dandeli wild adventure resorts that has gained its fame solely based on high quality credible offerings. Adventure in Dandeli revolves around the blessed terrain. The tapering end of the Western Ghats , the torrential rainfall that this region receives for a large part of the year and the dense forests all make for a great geography, ideal for outdoor wilderness adventures.

How would you embrace adventure at Dandeli?

Wilderness rafting adventures make up for a major chunk of the pull of Dandeli in the minds of eager tourists. Why wouldn’t they, when just the word ‘White Water Rafting’ conjures up images of fun, thrill, ecstasy and excitement like nothing else. From children to adults, anyone with a healthy frame can enjoy this adventure activity to its fullest. Whistling Woodzs enjoys a wide water front of its own which lends itself to more fun for all.
The resort has made the most of the naturally endowed water front by planning more activities around the river Kali. With sturdy rafts, excellent trainers and guides, in depth training and a friendly river to boot, river rafting at Dandeli becomes a memorable experience for all. You take home amazing pictures and videos of your thrilling ride that leaves you completely enthralled and wanting to go back again and again.

The river is also the playground for those who love to splash in the waters.

The terrain is so rocky that the river has to jump over mighty rocks that dot its entire path. So lo and behold, you have the rapids when you go water rafting and also the natural Jacuzzi where the water just gushes across the large rocky surface as it gurgles for a short span. One can easily sit and enjoy the force of water on your body which leaves you fully invigorated and you just don’t feel like moving away for hours.

Make friends with the Kali by gliding smoothly in a kayak or a boat in the calm waters near the resort property. Swirl around the tiny islands that dot the surroundings and watch as the river flows and calms your thoughts. Ride a river cycle on a rope as you balance yourself firmly tied with a harness. As you’re aware about your safety, you look down at the glistening river and see more people looking up to you in awe, waiting for their turn to take this unique activity.

The forest is the stage for perfect adventure stories we all have grown up listening to.

The animals that talk, the demons and the dwarves, the witches and the magical realm has mesmerized us in fairytales and childhood stories. Why, even as adults, we look at the forest as some place mystical. Dandeli allows you to live your childhood dream of venturing into the forests. The dense forests full of tall trees with wide canopies, the heady fragrance of wild flowers and leaves and nature’s amazing orchestra with the birds chirping and the cries of the animals makes for a breathtaking adventure. The resort provides all facilities for your Jungle Safari with trained and experienced guides who accompany you with sturdy vehicles. They know the right times and places to spot specific animals like the elephants, bears, foxes and the occasional tiger and Black Panther.

Whistling Woodzs Resort is home to a very thrilling zipline  that is mounted atop an exclusive tower specially built for this purpose and ends at the other end on a mighty aged tree. Tied to the harness, you descend slowly, enjoying a ride down like a gliding bird. Zipline leaves you feeling free and enjoying an avian life as close as possible.

Dandeli wild adventure resort activities all revolve around nature and hence all tourists partake in the thrilling adventure activities amidst clear air and silent nature environments. It’s a hit among city dwellers because it offers a surreal wilderness adventure leaving a stressed mind fully rejuvenated and relaxed. The great food, excellent accommodation options and ease of reach from anywhere in India are some of the added benefits of choosing a place like Whistling Woodzs. The resort has gone to great lengths to ensure you enjoy a comfortable and luxurious stay with all amenities that you’re used to in your city life.
Wide vistas, tall mountains and serene walks

Walking up the tall mountains amidst dense forests, dotted with tall trees and lined by a gurgling streamlet that accompanies you throughout is a dream like experience. Jom Paryekar, the resident bird expert, escorts you for a thrilling and enriching early morning trek right up to the summit of the mountain. Learn how to spot trees, how to identify bird species based on their songs, the animals based on their cries and the pugmarks and the flowers and inflorescence. Jom is a book in himself with over 30 years of experience amidst birds. Once you reach up, you see a bird’s eye view of the valley below and the sparkling waters of Supa Dam in the horizon.

Experience thrilling wilderness adventure in Dandeli

Experience thrilling wilderness adventure in Dandeli


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