0”30 | Experimental Short | Digital | 16:9 | 2022 

CROSSING is an experimental short about virtual existentialism and how it shift from storytelling into story living. Eventually, we all lose tracking in the post digital age, trying to make sense in a senseless world. Each individual frames are like video painting, the act of overlaying and repetitive manipulation refers to the idea of constant updates, results in pixelization.

“不斷更新” 是大數位時代的共通語言,資訊不斷的更新,畫面不斷的堆疊,焦點時而模糊時而清晰。CROSSING 是一條隱形的線與一條平行的線,交叉的進行式。作品利用影像“不斷更新”的製作手法,反覆的破壞影像的質地,最終每一張動畫逐格像是一幅流動的抽象畫。影像的原生是透過VR的攝影與掃描技術捕捉人像,透過影像繪畫敘述當VR裝置成為生活的一部分後,我們會長什麼樣子?

Planer / Chi Lin、Ta Wei Huang、Dayuan Hwang
Photographer / Naga Chang
Video & Sound / Mel Hsieh 
VR Technical Assistant / Dayuan Hwang
Fashion Stylist / Seam Xu 
Make up / Eddie Hsu 
Hair / Chi Lin 
Hair Assistant / Kai Hsun 
Model / Ming、Yu Ning Kuo、Kevin_Keeffe



