Midi Mixer: Waltuh
My midiMixer, Waltuh, is a bluetooth device that can interface with the online application Audiotool to make a DJ mix. The housing is made from acrylic and the knobs are 3d resin printed. The theme I decided to go with for the mixer is Breaking Bad, more specifically Walter White
From left to right; the complete mixer from the side, the mixer's backplate with my DJ name and the front of the mixer.
The top of the bottom PCB, the back of the bottom PCB, the finished mixer without the acrylic housing, the top PCB
The acrylic housing with my DJ name raster engraved and enamel painted onto the back plate
These are my logos, the one on the left was my logo for the PCB and the one right logo is what I put on the knobs for the rotary encoders.
Midi Mixer

Midi Mixer
