It's November now, and 2022 will be less than two months away. Because of the global health situation in the past two years, we have become more aware of the importance of health and find fun. As the clock strikes midnight in the New Year, so do our memories of the past year. At the same time the good and bad things of this year are washed away in an instant. What is left for us is an intricate mixture of nostalgia and hope. As we look around as the new year approaches, you see the dusty home gym you purchased earlier in the year. Are you thinking that it might make a good hanger.
Have fun
Have you ever made a vow to keep working out and lose some weight this year? Just like you did in high school. So what happened? You started out strong, even buying undersized clothes as motivation to keep your new routine going. But then your new fitness program turned into this. The honeymoon period is over, the novelty wears off, and your new fitness machine becomes just another part of your day. The part that's not so relevant to you, lying quietly in the corner! You're losing weight, and you're pretty sure you see the belly starting to form, but you're losing more than just a few pounds in the meantime. You've lost the fun. Maybe you're looking in the wrong place, or maybe you're trying to trick yourself into feeling fun. But fun is a stubborn mule; you either feel it or you don't.
Fun! It's such a simple concept, but it seems almost impossible to capture. Fun is the driving force behind many activities, and those who find it will do whatever it takes to keep it alive.Breeze Rider Ebike is a company that was founded out of necessity, just like we mentioned inside our story. We hope that our bikes will take everyone to the fun that is yours. It can also turn the dreaded commute to work into an exciting daily adventure. We venture into new territory and explore our surroundings in ways we've never done before. We overcome physical limitations and go places they couldn't possibly go before we got on our BRE bikes!

Fun time
When you were a kid, you must have had fun times going to the park. When we describe our bikes to people, there's a phrase: "Taking you to your happy hour". That's a phrase we hear over and over again when people are out trying out our bikes. Fun is the most important thing in our lives.

For your 2023 New Year's resolution, we urge everyone to get out there and find your fun! Learn to paint, play tennis, ride a bike! It's up to you! Fun is different for everyone, so don't be afraid to be a little selfish and do something that's just for you. Have fun. Stay safe. Stay energized.
Find the Fun

Find the Fun


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