First timer here. Thought I’d share some progress of my first ever crack at 3D character modeling (and 3D in general). This is my first attempt at creating a production-ready character using an entirely procedural workflow. Not close to where I want the project to be at, but cool to see how far I’ve come over the past month using these powerful programs. I used ZBrush to sculpt the mesh, Maya to retopologize and layout the UVs, XGen for the hair, Marvelous Designer for the dress, Mari for the skin projecting, Substance Painter for the skin texturing/coloration, Photoshop for additional design details, Blender for the feathers, and Arnold for the test render. In the next week or two, I plan to fix the skin coloration around the upper cheek and eye area, increase the volume in the ponytail, finish the texturing and coloring of the dress and headband, the finally pose and render the final product in unreal engine.
Miss Aloha Hula 2016


Miss Aloha Hula 2016
