Created for the 'King for a Day' Exhibition at Hero Complex Gallery celebrating the works of Stephen King.
I wanted to pick something for King for A Day that wasn’t the standard Horror/ supernatural story that King is known for and it did take a while to decide what I wanted to do as Shawshank and Green Mile are both in my top 10 films. 
In the end I chose Stand By Me as I remember watching this as a Kid and really enjoying it. I loved the adventure of it all,  four friends going on this big adventure into the wild. 
The print incorporates some of the main moments and iconography from the film, such as the train which plays out one of the more memorable scenes from the film, the focal point of the print is the poignant moment when the boys adventure finally reaches its conclusion and they come face to face with the body of Ray Bower, theres also a little nod to the moment Geordie has on the tracks with the Deer as that scene contains some of the deepest symbolism (well to me anyway) in the film and I felt the print wouldn’t be complete without incorporating an aspect of that scene in there in some way.
King For A Day