Design philosophy
Krara house
year 2020/2021

What is the connection space between the inside and the outside?
What is the dividing point between complexity and simplicity?
What is the common language between architecture and nature?
How can designing a building create a continuous dialogue between architecture and nature?
Those persistent questions that come to me at the beginning of every design in which I look for more in less, simplicity in complexity, interior vs. exterior, architecture vs. nature, the imaginary vs. the objective, art vs. man, connection vs. separation, and movement vs. Stillness
This design is formulated as a system that represents a hybrid structure of what is architectural and what is natural, balancing the daily needs of humans with structure. The system aims to resemble systems in nature, so that the building interacts with its surroundings and creates a coherent ecosystem from a set of elements and systems that interact with the architectural composition.
This house is designed to form an open novel, with each corner of the house forging a new story every day, and new opportunities to explore. That makes these corners a vocabulary for dialogue and communication between inside and outside. The field of view forms an additional space and parallel stories between nature and the architectural space. This will create renewed experiences for residents to explore new scenes every day

Open novel