Project "Gaia"

The idea of this project came to me when I was walking along the path of health in Sochi. 
Seeing the magical location rotunda in the forest, I decided that I should create something here. The idea was:  paint the picture in the forest.
I didn't have a sketch. This is not a staged project. I had not idea what I'll paint. 

The shadows from setting sun through the foliage,  the purest air, freshness and spacious space created the unreal atmosphere of magic.  Total "here and now", no past and no future. 
It was the most true experience in the flow,  and I was wondering what kind of picture I'll create in 1 hour before sunset. 

As a result,  the vibe of nature inspired me for the image of Gaia. Gaia - is the spirit, the soul of our planet Earth. And this soul says, that she doesn't really like what's happening now. 
But the good news that we can change everything.  Every thought of every single person influences  it. 

The seas, forests and oceans are actually polluted by our thoughts which are the seeds of our emerging realities. 
By filtering our thoughts we influence all energy systems. 

The message of Gaia is consciously choose our thoughts,  think about the seeds you plant. Struggle and resistance is a false path , which is leaving you in 3d dimension, matrix. Love is the only path to 5th dimension and new bright life.

