Kandice Zimbleman's profileRoland Khorshidianzadeh's profile

Official Poster Design: What's In A Fortune?

The Current Finalized Version of the Poster Design
for the Indie Comedy Film:

"What's In A Fortune?"
An Arkay Productions Film

* Official Listing on IMDb
Original Rough Draft Mock-Up
The Director's Preference,
1st Round of Clean-up
1st Round of Edits & Mock-Ups
Wood Grain Textures Shot at the Director's Set/Studio
By Kandice K Zimebleman
A number of hours shooting Cookie STILL LIFE with multiple colored lights.
Shot inside the Director's Film Set/Studio at his house, in Brockton, Mass (USA).
I'm VERY HAPPY with this set. It was several hours of experimentation, and I am beyond happy that we did it as a group effort. Roland is the Director, but we also had Bethany, who's usually a Script Supervisor, but she's actually a Director also.

I am SO GLAD it wasn't just all about me doing it.

Altho I had a number of lenses, I'm so glad I brought my 50mm Prime Pancake lens.  It's often times a go-to lens, and I'm VERY HAPPY with the results.
This was the final general design we were going with, which uses the Font/Typeface The Directors wanted.
Official Poster Design: What's In A Fortune?

Official Poster Design: What's In A Fortune?

Poster Design for "What's In A Fortune?" An Indie Comedy Film By Roland Khorshidianzadeh
