This project showcases a pizza oven,
its construction and visual identity.

Building an oven was a bit far from my specialties. Given that I'm not an architect, engineer or have never contructed anything, dealing with bricks, cement, sand, tiles and other building materials turned out to be rather an interesting challenge. To run this project, named by myself as Forno 68, I used tools commonly utilized in my work as a graphic designer and art director, such as Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Dimension and Adobe Photoshop. They worked just fine and I managed to improve and adapt aspects of the building process.

Due to my lack of experience, I had to do a huge research on the internet, mainly on YouTube, where Americans, Italians, Australians, Turks, Brazilians and many more give very valuable tips, not only with regard to constructions of this type of oven, but also about its use and maintenance. It was quite curious to see that each one has rather peculiar technics, which led me to important choices about methods and materials that would suit me best.

At the end of the day, the results came out better than expected. Proof of this are the pizzas baked in this beauty. They don’t lie!

Check out the video that shows the building process – and pizza tasting, of course! –, produced and edited by myself, where I used Adobe After Effects, Adobe Premiere Pro, GarageBand and Adobe Audition.
The oven was designed in Adobe Illustrator. Although it is not the right tool for this type of project, it served my purposes perfectly.
Adobe Dimension gave me a good idea of what the project would look like.
Pizza oven

Pizza oven
