Here I paint abstract with acrylic color on paper, on canvas on cardboard and proper canvas. I'm experimenting with thin and thick acrylic layers. Using different tools, such as an extra wide brush, a spatula, a sponge or a toothbrush, to try out different intuitive notions. After several layers of paint, I use oil pastels to "dance" over the painting without consciously applying the line, but like being a child again. In addition, with the toothbrush the surface I occasionally sprinkle with tiny small and larger dots. I paint until the composition becomes like one.
©Janka Stemmle
Video (00:43min) produced by Girts Apskalns
Open Studio Zürich 2021
Robin's coffee Zürich 2022

⇾ The next face-to-face MURALS Workshop will be on the 5th of July 2023 at PaintEvents and in total there were three MURAL Workshops on the 10th of May, 15th of March and 4th of January 2023 at PaintEvents


