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Synchronicity (German: Synchronizität) "to describe circumstances that appear meaningfully related yet lack a causal connection" The concept was introduced by analytical psychologist Carl G. Jung which based on the premise that existing physics and mathematics cannot explain such things.

Synchronicity is a 3-weeks event held by OSFO studio, and art and design hub on Lamma Island, Hong Kong, celebrating its opening from 6 to 21 August 2022. The events invited tattoo artists, tarot card readers, singing bowl and gong performers, aroma therapy experts providing a variety of workshops and activities for the public to recharge from stress and relieve stress.
A calendar-like grid system, skin texture, and lines are used throughout the identity system, where the grid represents the thought of linear time, skin texture as the body and the spirit of human being, lines as the three stages of time, past, present and future, the three elements then combine to present the idea of synchronicity.
The past, present and future might exist at the same time, time might not be linear. The morphing lines is a metaphor for the collapse of the concept of time progressing in a linear direction. Yet, we are human and it is perfectly normal to be anxious about the unknown challenges in our life, we might just need some time for healing.


Synchronicity is a branding project for an event about self-care, and spiritual healing held by OSFO studio.
