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Solar Disc Mandala

Solar Disc Mandala
The Solar Disc was inspired during the brutal heat of the dog days of Summer 2022. Originally meant as a simple warm-up exercise, something told me to continue working through the color blocking and rendering stages and fix it up for a finished product. Trust the process! This turned out much better than I had dreamed, and now occupies pride of place over my bed on an art print poster. 

The energy of the sun, the vibrancy of the jewel tone colors, the life and vitality almost seem to warm the space the more that you contemplate this mandala design centered on the source of all life as we know it, Sol.  Creator of the Solar Wind and electromagnetic envelope that protects the whole Solar System from cosmic radiation, the sun here is the central axis for our being. 

That, and the colors are pretty. Not too bad for what was meant as a warm-up to get my arm moving on the tablet one day. 
Solar Disc Mandala


Solar Disc Mandala
