Tower Defense is a project I created to see how much of a project I could complete within a month. I worked on this in March of 2021 to grow my skills in Unity and C# and hone my abilities with 2D games and User Interface Design. 
I decided to include this project, as it was my first project completed outside of coursework. It was selected for its ability to have some additional polish outside of my initial sprint with it and a revisit for some of the game logic, which I could use some of for another project down the line. This project was updated with a fresh User Interface on all existing features, such as the bar to buy towers, the top bar, which shows the current money and health of the player.
I used the time to update the UI for the level select screen as well with a new UI. 
Throughout the process of initial creation and refinement, I learned about Unity's Event system, which is utilized for the Buttons to function correctly. I also researched and used Scriptable Objects for a more Data Driven system for each of the enemies that appear in the game and the towers as well. Using this allows me to create one script that can control each of the objects' settings including their look, the projectiles the fire, health that enemies have and their speeds.
The largest challenge I faced and still face, is a balance issue. If a player has saved data and opens the last level that they were on, they face a harder enemy but with little money to purchase towers with. I have looked at several different areas of improvement I could do with that including saving the player's money to the save file. I have not settled on a solution yet and continue to research good ways to balance this type of project.
Tower Defense


Tower Defense


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