My sister and I started up Rapture Magazine in October 2013. Our aim was to showcase local musicians and unite Cornwalls music scene using the power of the web. My sister is the editor and I am the digital designer. I created the branding and promotional material. I also created the website in WordPress using a fully responsive theme and a variety of plugins. I made the website rich with media such as images, links, videos and music. You can visit Rapture Magazine here.
Rapture Logo Redesigned
New Rapture Business Cards
Rapture Magazine logo #1
Rapture Magazine Facebook image
Facebook cover photo
Unearth, Expose, Unite -  logo for the back of flyers and business cards.
Rapture Home Page - with social network links and a slideshow of the featured artists
Rapture Events Calendar 
Individual events page with Google Maps and venue information
The 'Artists' Category Page
The Artist Page - rich with images, links, YouTube and SoundCloud
Rapture Magazine

Rapture Magazine

Rapture Magazine is a music magazine showcasing talented musicians in Cornwall. I designed the branding and promotional material, and created the Read More
